FINAL EXAM: Reflect on what you have learned

Reflect on what you have learned
Due Thursday 12/16/2010 @ 3 p.m.

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

PART 1: Individual Reflection

Working individually each student needs to typewrite 1-3 sentences (a paragraph at most) for each of the following questions:

1) Now that you have a better understanding of sustainability, what will you change about your own actions?

2) This semester you have learned about the design process, which emphasizes defining and solving problems. How will this help you become a more active participant in your learning?

3) Now that you have made it through your first semester, what advice would you offer to incoming students about a) academics and b) social life at Marymount and c) student activities?

PART 2: Group Reflection

As a group, reflect on what you have learned. Develop a 2-part; 5-10 minute presentation that every member of your group participates in:

1) You have now presented your concepts for making a better Marymount by design. What did you learn from the design process including selecting a topic, research, developing a solution, and presenting it to others with the hopes of inspiring change? What surprised you? What did you DISCOVER? What would you do different?

2) Develop a creative presentation (song, dance, skit, poem, interactive, mixed media, etc.) [no Powerpoint] promoting sustainability to your classmates. This can be about the importance of sustainability, encourage changing personal behavior and actions, or calling for change through design at Marymount.


Final Project Assignment Schedule

Final Project Schedule

Monday Nov. 15:

  1. Final outlines for: the presentation of your design solution using one of the following means of communicating:
  • Dramatic presentation and role-play/simulation
  • Audio/Visual
  1. After presentations work on final Marketing/Guerilla Campaign

Thursday Nov. 18:

  1. 10 minute presentations (this will be the presentation to Adminstration; +/- edits; have solutions done/built)
  2. Finalize Marketing/Guerilla Campaign
  • What are you doing, when will you make it, when will you implement (use MU audience = B-ball games, late night supper), make sure to document it

Monday Nov. 22: Movie @ Smithsonian 5pm (details to come)

Thursday Nov. 25: no class; Thanksgiving

Monday Nov. 29: Implement this week

  • In class critique (have project comps, etc)

Thursday Dec 2: Implement this week

  • In class critique (have project comps, etc)

Monday Dec 6: Administration presentations (TBD)

  • Work on Design Effectiveness Group Report

Thursday Dec 9: Administration presentations (TBD)

  • Design Effectiveness Group Reports due

Thursday Dec 16: 3-5:30 pm (note time change): Design Effectiveness Group Presentations due


Assignment for Monday 11/8/10

By Monday provide typewritten very specific and detailed answers to the following questions:

1. Identify and interview 3 decision makers that have to agree with and or approve of your design solution e.g.

end-users/students, administrators, athletic directors, director of recycling program at MU, maintenance, physical plant, etc

2. What specific attitudes and behaviors need to be changed and who specifically needs to change?

3. How are you going to gain student support for your design idea? e.g. and theme or tag line for your design solution etc.

4. What are 3 -5 multipurpose benefits for your design solution e.g. saving energy reuse of rain water, improvement to the community etc.? Be specific as to who will benefit form each multipurpose benefit of your design solution.

5. What are some specific suggested methods for paying for your design solution – covering the cost to implement your design solution e.g. fund raising – alumni, advertisers/sponsors, etc? And how will contributing to the cost of your design solution be beneficial?

6. Prepare photographs and video clips of the current design problem e.g. people using the incorrect trash/recycling bins, people posting flyers on campus, people passing by and not reading any of the flyers, dark unlit areas on the playing field, etc.


Product Design Review

Your Product Design Review is due Thursday Oct 7, start of class.

  • Typewritten and stapled
  • Answer all 14 questions listed in the assignment and covered in class
  • Include your bibliography of each required source of research