FINAL EXAM: Reflect on what you have learned

Reflect on what you have learned
Due Thursday 12/16/2010 @ 3 p.m.

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

PART 1: Individual Reflection

Working individually each student needs to typewrite 1-3 sentences (a paragraph at most) for each of the following questions:

1) Now that you have a better understanding of sustainability, what will you change about your own actions?

2) This semester you have learned about the design process, which emphasizes defining and solving problems. How will this help you become a more active participant in your learning?

3) Now that you have made it through your first semester, what advice would you offer to incoming students about a) academics and b) social life at Marymount and c) student activities?

PART 2: Group Reflection

As a group, reflect on what you have learned. Develop a 2-part; 5-10 minute presentation that every member of your group participates in:

1) You have now presented your concepts for making a better Marymount by design. What did you learn from the design process including selecting a topic, research, developing a solution, and presenting it to others with the hopes of inspiring change? What surprised you? What did you DISCOVER? What would you do different?

2) Develop a creative presentation (song, dance, skit, poem, interactive, mixed media, etc.) [no Powerpoint] promoting sustainability to your classmates. This can be about the importance of sustainability, encourage changing personal behavior and actions, or calling for change through design at Marymount.


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